HOME - News - 2011 - Shinmoedake Volcano (Kyushu) Smoke Observation by Radiosonde

18 Apr, 2011

Shinmoedake Volcano (Kyushu) Smoke Observation by Radiosonde

In the end of March Meisei Electric was consigned by NIED (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention) to carry out emergency observation for Kirishima range Mt. Shinmoedake, where the eruption still continues.

This observation aims at the acquisition of basic data for simulation relating to smoke situation and fall of ash with weather sonde, HYVIS (hydrometeor videosonde) and aerosol sonde.
Here in Japan the atmospheric observation data has not been acquired directly in the erupting volcano so far. It seems that such observation helps future disaster prevention measures by grasping the flow of smoke and the ejection.

The NIED has disclosed the result of observation through their WEB site http://www.bosai.go.jp/volcano/kirishima/index.html. For further study and deployment they will collaborate with Fukuoka University and Tohoku University, who have developed HYVIS and aerosol sonde.